
Simple Python script for using Yandex Translate API

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It is Python script to translate and check spelling using the console, it based on Yandex Translate API. By default the script uses UTF-8 encoding.


python3 London is the capital of Great Britain
['Лондон-столица Великобритании']

If your phrase contains qoutes then you can use single qoutes for all text or back slash:

python3 \"Yandex\" is a Russian Internet company
['"Яндекс" - Российская Интернет-компания']
python3 en-ru hi, you can use translation from your console
['Привет, вы можете использовать перевод с консоли']

python3 ru-en Привет, вы можете использовать перевод из консоли
['Hi, you can use the translation from the console']
python3 en-ru magazine

magazine [mægəˈziːn] (noun)
        журнал (существительное)
        syn: кассета, обойма, журнальчик
        mean: journal, cartridge
        examples: Forbes magazine: журнал Forbes
                China sourcing magazine: кассета Sourcing Китая
                spare magazine: запасная обойма
        магазин (существительное)
        examples: box magazine: коробчатый магазин
magazine [mægəˈziːn] (adjective)
        журнальный (прилагательное)
        mean: journal
        examples: magazine table: журнальный столик

API keys

You should get API KEYs before an using this program, them values have to written to a file $HOME/.ytapi.json (see the example ytapigo_example.json). APIlangs is a set of available translate directions, each one can have a list of possible user's aliases.

  "APItr": "some key value",
  "APIdict": "some key value",
  "Aliases": {                      // User's languages aliases
    "en-ru": ["en", "англ"],
    "ru-en": ["ru", "ру"],
  "Default": "en-ru"                // default translation direction
  1. APItr - API KEY for Yandex Translate
  2. APIdict - API KEY for Yandex Dictionary

It was implemented using the services:

Dependences: Python standart library (default Python3, version for Python2 in 'python2' branch).